How to apply a semi-permanent varnish in 4 steps?

Thanks to the semi-permanent varnish, the nails will resist this long period of absence of manicure. Do you know how to apply semi-permanent varnish? This article will give you answers. Here are the steps you must follow for a professional application of a semi-permanent varnish: Clean and file First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the hands of your clients with an

Semi-permanent varnish for the feet, a danger?

While many women appreciate semi-permanent nail polish, some of them are wary of this type of product. Today, your nail supply expert Maryton will tell you whether semi-permanent varnishes are actually dangerous for your feet. The use of the UV lamp makes more than one skeptical Indeed, if the toenails are too frequently exposed to the UV lamp, it can cause sunburn. Professionals even mention

The steps for applying semi-permanent varnish

Before applying varnish, we start by making sure that the nails are ready to receive their manicure. This involves cleaning the nails then smoothing them and removing the cuticles and matting the natural nail using a nail file. Once the nails are ready, a first coat of varnish is applied. This is the base for nails, allowing them to be protected